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Timezones, Offsets, and Transitions

The Timezones API allows you to look up timezone offsets and Daylight Saving Time transitions times. This is essential for knowing precisely when markets will be open or closed. Common timezones include America/New_York, Europe/London, and Asia/Tokyo.

This API endpoint is included in all API access subscriptions.


You can see what timezone a market uses by using the market details endpoint.

List Timezones

First, you will need to enumerate all time zones. Timezones are in Olson Timezone format.


nameStringOlson timezone identifier.
country_codeISO 3166Two-letter country code.
observes_dstBooleanIndicates in true/false if the timezone observes Daylight Saving Time.


Remember to use your authentication token for all requests.

Enumerate All Timezones

Sample JSON Response

  "data": [
      "name": "Africa\/Abidjan",
      "country_code": "CI",
      "observes_dst": false
      "name": "Africa\/Accra",
      "country_code": "GH",
      "observes_dst": false
      "name": "Africa\/Addis_Ababa",
      "country_code": "ET",
      "observes_dst": false
      "name": "Pacific\/Wake",
      "country_code": "UM",
      "observes_dst": false
      "name": "Pacific\/Wallis",
      "country_code": "WF",
      "observes_dst": false
      "name": "UTC",
      "country_code": "??",
      "observes_dst": false

Timezone Transitions

This API shows the transitions for each timezone, the abbreviations for the timezones, and whether the timezone is currently observing Daylight Saving Time or not.


timestampUnix TimestampTime when the transition begins, showing in the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970
timeDatetimeIndicates the time that the transition begins
offsetDatetime OffsetOffset from UTC in seconds
is_dstBooleanReturns true/false, indicating if the period is Daylight Saving Time or not
abbreviationTimzone AbbreviationCommon code used to identify the timezone

Query String Parameters

Supported query string parameters are listed in the table below:

ParameterSupported ValuesDefaultDescription
timezoneTimezone nameN/AFull list of timezones on Wikipedia


Remember to use your authentication token for all requests.

Get Timezone Transition for New York Timezone

Get Timezone Transition for New York Between Dates

Sample JSON Response

  "data": [
      "timestamp": 1636264800,
      "time": "2021-11-07T06:00:00+0000",
      "offset": -18000,
      "is_dst": false,
      "abbreviation": "EST"
      "timestamp": 1647154800,
      "time": "2022-03-13T07:00:00+0000",
      "offset": -14400,
      "is_dst": true,
      "abbreviation": "EDT"
      "timestamp": 1667714400,
      "time": "2022-11-06T06:00:00+0000",
      "offset": -18000,
      "is_dst": false,
      "abbreviation": "EST"
      "timestamp": 1678604400,
      "time": "2023-03-12T07:00:00+0000",
      "offset": -14400,
      "is_dst": true,
      "abbreviation": "EDT"
      "timestamp": 1699164000,
      "time": "2023-11-05T06:00:00+0000",
      "offset": -18000,
      "is_dst": false,
      "abbreviation": "EST"
      "timestamp": 1710054000,
      "time": "2024-03-10T07:00:00+0000",
      "offset": -14400,
      "is_dst": true,
      "abbreviation": "EDT"
      "timestamp": 1730613600,
      "time": "2024-11-03T06:00:00+0000",
      "offset": -18000,
      "is_dst": false,
      "abbreviation": "EST"
      "timestamp": 1741503600,
      "time": "2025-03-09T07:00:00+0000",
      "offset": -14400,
      "is_dst": true,
      "abbreviation": "EDT"
      "timestamp": 1762063200,
      "time": "2025-11-02T06:00:00+0000",
      "offset": -18000,
      "is_dst": false,
      "abbreviation": "EST"
      "timestamp": 1772953200,
      "time": "2026-03-08T07:00:00+0000",
      "offset": -14400,
      "is_dst": true,
      "abbreviation": "EDT"
  "meta": {
    "start": "2021-07-18",
    "end": "2026-07-18"