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Market Status

Market Status Details

The Market Status API will return, in real-time, the current status of a market, including:

  • If a market is open or closed
  • When the market opens or closes next
  • The current trading phase (pre-, post-trading session, etc.)
  • If there is currently a holiday or irregular schedule

You can use these details to:

  • Build dashboards
  • Add countdowns or market status indicators to your website or application
  • Activate trading algorithms when markets open
  • Detect market holidays and half-days


This API takes previously-scheduled holidays and half-days into account but does not factor in circuit breakers or halts.

Visualization Examples


local-timeISO 8601The current local time at the market. (Deprecated)
statusStringOpen if it is currently a primary trading session. Closed otherwise, including for pre- and post-trading sessions.
reasonStringExplanation of the current response, including phase(s), holidays, and irregular schedules.
untilISO 8601Displays the end of the current phase.
next_bellISO 8601Displays the time when the market opens or closes next.
utc_timeISO 8601Displays the time in UTC. (Deprecated)
timeISO 8601Displays the same as "utc_time". (Deprecated)
timezoneStringTimezone of this trading venue (Olson timezone format)


until is not always the same as next_bell. For example, if it is currently a post-trading session, until will indicate the end of the post-trading session, and next_bell will be the following morning when markets officially open.

Query String Parameters

Supported query string parameters are listed in the table below:

ParameterSupported ValuesDefaultDescription
fin_idValid FinID(s)N/ASpecify which market(s) to show data for.
timeISO 8601Current timeEnterprise Only - Specify the time that you'd like the information for.

Past & Future Times (Enterprise only)

Use the time query string parameter to specify a date and time. The time parameter should be in ISO 8601 format. E.g. 2020-02-27T01:23:45-05:00.

If the time parameter is omitted, the current time is used.

The time parameter can only be used by clients with access to the Market Holidays and Trading Hours data.


The results of the status API will not change until until. It is safe to cache results until this time. Caching requests and using bulk API calls will help you avoid exceeding the rate limits.


Remember to use your authentication token for all requests.

Get Details for Single FinID

Get Details for Single MIC

Get Details for Bulk FinIDs,jp.jpx

Get Details with Defined Time

Sample JSON Responses

Get Details for Single FinID - Holiday Partial Hours

         "exchange":"New York Stock Exchange",
         "reason":"Market Holiday - Primary Trading Session (Partial)",

Get Details for Bulk FinIDs - Closed Market and Open Primary Market

    "data": {
        "JP.JPX": {
            "fin_id": "JP.JPX",
            "exchange": "Japan Exchange Group",
            "market": "Tokyo Stock Exchange",
            "products": null,
            "status": "Closed",
            "reason": null,
            "until": "2020-09-14T08:00:00+09:00",
            "next_bell": "2020-09-14T12:30:00+09:00"
        "US.NYSE": {
            "fin_id": "US.NYSE",
            "exchange": "New York Stock Exchange",
            "market": "Canonical",
            "products": null,
            "status": "Open",
            "reason": "Primary Trading Session",
            "until": "2020-09-11T15:45:00-04:00",
            "next_bell": "2020-09-11T16:00:00-04:00"